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What would you like to ask charity supporters?

On the 2nd of July at 2pm we released the results of our first ever Digital Giving Review, supported by the Institute of Fundraising.

You can download the report here.

The results answered many questions around audience size and the frequency of online communications; however, the findings have also sparked many new questions.

In the autumn, we will be launching another survey, this time to charity donors. The purpose of the donor survey is to help us understand the critical balance between channel, frequency and message.

We will be exploring questions around how often supporters would like to hear from charities and the types of messages and communications they would like to receive.

But we need your help.

Please post in the comments below the questions you would like us to ask thousands of charity supporters. From how many charities people support to how often they would like to hear from their favourite charities, share below what you would like to know, and join the conversation.

For your charity to benchmark your donors in this please email


To help you share the results of the survey with your networks, we have created this handy infographic:

Proud supporter of Brit Mums for good!

To share this on your website or blog, just copy-and-paste the below code into your website or blog:

Offers, donation rates and participating stores are correct at the time of writing and are subject to change. Please visit the Give as you Live Online website for the most up to date information.

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